This semester was a great experience for me be-cause it shaped me to whom I am today. It helps me to discover myself, I learn new things every day. This semester I found myself busy with so many activities.

I experienced my first demonstration in Rasay-Da-vao Central College, because it’s my first demonstration I felt nervous, I doubt myself if I can do it. I felt pressured because they expected a lot of me. The teacher give me little time to study my lesson, I have no time to prepare myself and my materials. But be-cause of my determination I did my best to be presentable in front of the students and the teacher. When I’m in front of the class I did not know what is my feeling that day, all emotions are all mixed, nervous, excited, happy, pressured. But when I start my topic and continue the discussion the students are actively participating in my Demonstration. My nervousness is gone and my demonstration goes well. Those days I realized that teaching is great, when I saw the students appreciate my efforts. I’m also glad of the comment of the Observer (Teacher) she said that I’m good for a first timer in demo teaching. And it makes me boost my confidence. In November we had an exhibit for the English and American Literature where we portray some characters from a book and I pick Mary Poppins. When I portray Mary Poppins the teacher said that I have portrayed well the character that assign to me. I also at-tend in speech choir in our CELA Day and we got the first place. And also in our Foundation Day we attend the speech choir and we got the 2nd placer.
This semester helps me to boost my confidence in attending some activities also I learn on how to manage my time, because we need to observe in an-other school for our FS (field study) we need 15 hours to complete: my problem that time was there are many holidays, but because I manage my time I pass the project in time. Also I learn this semester to have strategies how to pass the subjects in time. This semester also I experience many trials that I doubt myself if I can continue, I feel like giving up but because of my determination to help my family and I want to share my knowledge someday, I will give my best to finish what I’ve started. It is just a trial in pursuing my dreams. If I let myself down I will not achieve my goals.
Written by Yusria Mamasaunda, a scholar attending Rasay-Davao Central College.
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