The PCAFPD newsletter, Balitaan, is published twice a year. All contributors receive the newsletter in the mail. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please send us your address. Click on the date of the issues below to view recent newsletters in pdf format.
Balitaan Fall 2024 (PDF) – Click to Open
PCAFPD celebrates its largest graduating class in the organization’s 40-year history. Unfortunately, that great news is offset some by the smallest year-to-date donation revenue in recent history. A special request related to that is shared by members of the board. We spotlight Jody Cestina, a team member of the Philippines Operations Team, by sharing her background, plans for the future, and identification with the organization’s mission. The issue features the faces of our newest round of scholars and we hear from some of the more tenured ones – including interesting coursework around agriculture and software development!
Balitaan Spring 2024 (PDF) – Click to Open
The Board President shares news that we received an all-time high for complete scholarship applications this past year – over 200. Justin also shares that we will be transitioning to an online application to help ease the burden of screening applications for completeness. The Philippines Operations Team also completed a multi-year effort to become an established non-profit in the Philippines. Updates are also shared on the grant program and the financial wellness of the organization. Of course, details are also shared on current scholars through their stories, and some data is presented on the newest batch.
Balitaan Fall 2023 (PDF) – Click to Open
Statistics and qualitative data of the 40th Anniversary Impact study are shared at the top of this issue. We also highlight two-time PCAFPD scholar, environmental professional, and instrumental Ituloy Team Member Jennifer Halili. We hear welcome stories of our scholars joining clubs and integrating into new social environments – a nice change from a couple years past. Also, stories of triumph over challenges. Finally, we provide a page for you all to check out the faces of our new batch of scholars! We’re excited to watch them grow and excel over the coming years.
Balitaan Spring 2023 (PDF) – Click to Open
PCAFPD puts a spotlight Donna Mae Bonares Jalipa, a new PCAFPD alumni now with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work! A story of her dedication and perseverance is shared. The board also highlights Rachel Briones, a humble member of the Philippines operations team (also known as the Ituloy Team). We are so thankful to have her as she is instrumental to so many part of the foundation. We also hear about the transition of board leadership in this issue, from Board President Paul Aleckson to Board President Justin Tabor. Scholars share experiences of returning to more in-person learning, and the story of a scholar gaining pride and the desire to inspire tribal youth of their community is told. Finally, Board Treasurer Mike Ollinger shares an important update on the foundation’s financial well-being.
Balitaan Fall 2022 (PDF) – Click to Open
PCAFPD Student Affairs Lead and Board Member Ricardo Espitia shares the good news about the new laptop program, including turnover ceremonies, the distribution, and quotes from some of the scholars about impactful this new benefit of our program is. Scholar Blessie Atonen shares great news about acceptance into a Food and Agriculture Office internship and also into the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship. The latter will allow for overseas travel and networking with other young leaders in Southeast Asia. There are scholar stories rejoicing the return of some in-person classes, and other celebrating graduation, while the expression of some college-stress is also worth a read (especially the insight of how our scholars are healthily dealing with the stress). Our grants manager shares about how our newest program is helping protect the ocean through environmental education. Finally, PCAFPD President Paul Aleckson shares about the loss of an exceptional RPCV whose family chose to help him continue to help Filipinos in the afterlife.
Balitaan Spring 2022 (PDF) – Click to Open
PCAFPD President Paul Aleckson recounts the John F. Kennedy award ceremony where Peace Corps Philippines Program Manager Ambet Yangco was a recipient of the prestigious 5-year award. Scholars share stories of perseverance and humility as pandemic restrictions continue in the Philippines. PCAFPD Grants Manager Justin Tabor highlights the success of the inaugural Grants Program where the first projects have now come to conclusion. Finally, we hear from our Treasurer, Mike Ollinger, on the financial status of the foundation, where some highlights include a $50,000 donation Group I PCV Eleanor Whitlatch’s estate and the mention of a new laptop sponsorship initiative beginning this year.
Balitaan Fall 2021 (PDF) – Click to Open
Philippines Ambassador to the United States in Washington, D.C. expresses appreciation for the work of the Philippines. RPCVs of the earliest groups to serve in the Philippines share stories and reflections of Peace Corps and the Philippines to commemorate the 60th anniversary. One of our Human Development Grant recipients, RPCV Sherry Manning, receives the honorable Sargent Shriver Award. Our grants manager shares some early success of another Human Development Project. Finally, scholars share stories of battling what one called “the new normal” – that is a college world mostly dominated by online learning.
Balitaan Spring 2021 (PDF) – Click to Open
It’s the 60th anniversary of the Peace Corps! This issue celebrates the occasion by showing differences in Peace Corps service from an RPCV in the very first Peace Corps Philippines batch and the accounts of a recent volunteer. The article also continues to share stories of perseverance of our scholars and how PC Philippines RPCVs continue to lead lives of service to support humanitarianism.
Balitaan Fall 2020 (PDF) – Click to Open
An Evacuated Peace Corps Volunteer’s (EPCV) account of the worldwide evacuation related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Announcement of the Human Development Grant – a new grant program by PCAFPD. Stories of out of the ordinary semesters by our current scholars.
Balitaan Spring 2020 (PDF) – Click to Open
A note from the standing Peace Corps Philippines Country Director, Monica Collier, on evacuation efforts related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. We receive details on a scholar’s leadership in assisting the Pandemic response in the Philippines. Scholars recount their first semesters in college, while others share their last story with PCAFPD of their college experience. Finally, a story about RPCV – Mark Harowitz’s visit back to his site many years later.
Balitaan Spring 2019 (PDF) – Click to Open
Scholar Alumni Rico Ancog wins the National Academy of Science and Technology, Philippines Outstanding Young Scientist award for 2019. We hear about a neat engineering research project by a current scholar and reflections on the recent semester including role play and opportunities to write for official student publications. Ituloy Team Member and previous scholar Hannah Catiis shares how rewarding her experience with helping PCAFPD operations is. Paul Aleckson, PCAFPD’s board president provides an update on new and graduating scholars and discusses exciting changes.
Balitaan Spring 2018 (PDF) – Click to Open
We hear from new scholar turned professional teacher and a new agriculturist. PCAFPD board president Paul Aleckson provides an update on PCAFPD operations including a report out on degrees and where our scholars come from. RPCV Cathy Garman (’78) tells about her visit back to see her host family 40 years later. Scholars share some humble stories, including those of community service, and the board bids a hard farewell to Dean Wylie (Group 1 RPCV), Edward Slevin (Previous Philippines Country Director), and Lilia Peters (PCAFPD Supporter and RPCV Spouse).
Balitaan Fall 2017 (PDF) – Click to Open
PCAFPD new board president Paul Aleckson talks about the new generation of support for PCAFPD. Board member Sarah McMeans reports out on the Peace Corps Connect conference. Further detail covers an entrepreneurship competition at the meeting – The Friends of ENCA Farm, founded by Philippines RPCV and PCAFPD supporter Sherry Manning (Benguet 2006-08), won the Judges Award. We hear the story of how one of our scholars overcame extreme hardship related to drugs and violence during her academic career. We also hear from a new alumni statistician and educator. Finally, Peace Corps Philippines Leader Nick Koen and PCAFPD Board Member Maureen Carroll talk about Peace Corps Philippines New Approaches & Initiatives.
Balitaan Spring 2017 (PDF) – Click to Open
PCAFPD gratefully receives its first ever legacy donation from RPCV Robert Stone (‘69). Various transitions occur with the PCAFPD board, including saying a job well done to Steve Dienstfrey who is stepping down as President. Scholars present stories of challenge, personal growth, and leadership opportunity. We also hear reports from scholars who have received internships with our partner the Hinrich Foundation.