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To Current Peace Corps Volunteers …..

We invite you to work with us to identify potential scholars in your community.  Living and working at the local level, PCVs can often help us locate bright, financially needy students.  There is no financial commitment on your part.  You may assist one or more students in obtaining application forms from the Foundation office in Manila or through this website.  We also encourage you to write a letters of recommendation in support of a students that you think are outstanding and deserving of a scholarship.

We do request, however, that you help us screen for students who meet our particular requirements (see below). We would love to give scholarships to every financially needy child in the Philippines, but we do have limited resources (and time to review applications). Therefore, we ask that each PCV recommend a maximum of three outstanding candidates for scholarship per year.

If the student is awarded a scholarship, you have no further obligation.  However, whenever possible, we hope that PCVs will choose to mentor the students that they recommend.  It has been our experience that young scholars, many living away from home for the first time and facing new challenges, can benefit greatly from such guidance.

You can review and print the scholarship application from this website.

Potential scholars should have the following qualifications

  • Excellent academic record
  • Financial need (very limited resources to attend college)
  • Demonstrated leadership skills and commitment to community service (now and after college)

Each application, with required documentation, must be received by October 31 for consideration for the next school year. Completed applications are screened by PCAFPD board members and former scholars in the Philippines and then forwarded to the Board of Directors in Washington, DC, for final review and selection.  The number of scholarships awarded is based on the available funds each year.  Please read the FAQ for more information about the scholarship program.

Finally, we hope that you are finding your service in the Philippines as gratifying as many of us did.  We wish you the very best in whatever your assignment and remember with nostalgia our own days as Volunteers-the good days, of course!  Maraming Salamat!