Required Documents

You will need the following materials for submitting a complete application. It is advised to gather all materials prior to starting the application form.

  1. Grades
    • For Grade 12 students: Submit your Grade 11 report card.
    • For SHS Graduates (not enrolled in college and 1st or 2nd year college students): Submit your Senior High School transcript of records or Grade 12 report cards.
    • For 2nd year college students and up: Submit your latest copy of your college grades.

  1. Essays:
    • All applicants are required to submit three essays. Your essays are a major factor in determining awards.
      • Each essay must be no more than 400 words.
      • Applicants are encouraged to prepare their essays offline and copy them into the application when ready.
    • Topics: Topics 1-3 are required for all applicants. For Grade 12 students and SHS graduates currently not enrolled in college, you only need to submit Topics 1-3. Topic 4 is for applicants with other scholarships while topic 5 is for college students.
      • Topic 1: Tell us what course you want to study and how you believe that your education will prepare you to contribute to your country’s development.
      • Topic 2: Describe any personal hardships or barriers you have had to overcome; OR, describe an event in your life that either demonstrates your character or helped shape it.
      • Topic 3: Describe an example of when you volunteered either as a leader or participant in an extracurricular activity that supported your community. What did that experience teach you about leadership and service to your community?
    • Short Answers: If you are currently in college and/or already have a scholarship you must respond to the following short answers.  Each response must be no more than 200 words. Applicants are encouraged to prepare their responses offline and copy them into the application when ready.
      • Short Answer #1: Required only for those that are currently in college. If you are not currently in college, skip this section. For those currently in college include a statement explaining how you supported your college education up until now and why you need additional support at this time.
      • Short Answer #2: Required only for those that have a scholarship. If you do not currently have a scholarship, skip this section. For those who already have a different scholarship, please explain why you need the PCAFPD scholarship.

  1. Income Certification:
    • Submit the latest Bureau of Internal Revenue Income Tax Return (ITR) of your parents/guardians or yours, if you’re already working.
    • If you or your parents/guardians do not have an ITR, you may submit a Certificate of Indigence from your Barangay or an Affidavit of Non-filing of Income Tax Return.

  1. Two Recommendation Forms:
    • For Grade 12 students, SHS graduates currently not enrolled in college, and college students who have complete less than two years of college, you need to submit two (2) recommendation forms, from your high school principal, registrar, other senior administrative official, your Barangay captain, a religious leader, a teacher, a Peace Corps Volunteer, or a civic leader (not related to you) describing your experience in and commitment to community service, leadership potential, and overall suitability for the scholarship.
    • For college students who have completed at least two years of college at the time of applying, you need to submit two (2) recommendation forms, from a college professor, registrar, other senior administrative official, your Barangay captain, a religious leader, another professor, a Peace Corps Volunteer, or a civic leader (not related to you) describing your experience in and commitment to community service, extra-curricular activities, leadership potential, and overall suitability for the scholarship.
    • It is suggested that applicants have their recommenders complete our recommendation form template found on our website ( digitally and submit them along with their application. Handwritten letters will not be accepted.

The final list of accepted applicants will be announced on our official website in March. To learn more, please check out our FAQ page.

Submit applications using the form below. Convert files to PDF and ensure each file is below 5MB before filling out the application fields to ensure they meet file size and format requirements.

The Application Cycle for the 2025 Academic Year closed on 11:59:59 on October 31, 2024. Scholars who missed the application period are encouraged to apply with the opening of the next cycle – opening in Summer of 2025.