Required Documents

You will need the following materials for submitting a complete application. It is advised to gather all materials prior to starting the application form.

I. Grades

  • Submit your college transcripts with the cumulative G.P.A.

II. Income Certification:

  • Submit your latest Bureau of Internal Revenue Income Tax Return (ITR), if you’re already working. If you are not working, you may submit a Income Tax Return of the person financially responsible for you.

III. Two Recommendation Letters

Two letters of recommendation are required:

  • One letter from a college professor, employer, senior administrative official, registrar, etc. describing your academic and professional achievements, leadership potential, and overall suitability for the scholarship
  • One letter from your barangay captain, a religious leader, a teacher, a Peace Corps Volunteer, or a civic leader (not related to you) describing your experience in, and commitment to, community service and your leadership potential.

IV. Proposal for Graduate Studies

The Board of Directors’ decision on granting a scholarship will be mainly based on your proposal. Please take time to reflect on your objectives for graduate education and provide a clear and well-prepared proposal.

There are four sections to the proposal.  Please prepare the proposal and upload one PDF with each section of the proposal clearly stated. 

  1. Background:
    Please describe your activities, both professionally and as a volunteer, since your graduation from college.

  1. Financial:
    Please describe your financial situation and why you need assistance to attend graduate school.  What amount can you or your family contribute towards your schooling? Where will you live during graduate school?  Do you plan to work during graduate school? What other sources of support do you have for graduate school?

  1. Proposed Course of Study:
    Explain why you have chosen this graduate program and school.  What are your plans for future employment and volunteer work? How will a graduate degree help you to contribute to Philippine development?

  1. Budget:
    Present a detailed budget for your graduate studies.  The budget must include the following information:
    • Number of semesters and courses required for the program.
    • Tuition and fees per semester.
    • An estimate of other related expenses (thesis expenses, books, supplies, lab fees, field work fees, etc). Please itemize these expenses.
    • Other sources of financial support for any of these expenses.
      Other information that you think is relevant (particularly if the cost per semester will vary). It is important that your estimates are as accurate as possible. Please consult the college staff as necessary to obtain this information.

The final list of accepted applicants will be announced on our official website in March. To learn more, please check out our FAQ page.

Submit applications using the form below. Convert files to PDF and ensure each file is below 5MB before filling out the application fields to ensure they meet file size and format requirements.

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